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Put Your Phones Down and Throw a Killer Party


Here at MobileTweaks.net, we’re all about helping our readers get the most out of their cell phones. But recent studies show that mobile phones are making us increasingly anti-social. This is a by-product of being able to instantly socialize with large networks of people from the palm of our hands. But our tips and hacks are meant to enhance our readers’ mobile experience, not destroy their social lives! So we’ve compiled a list of tips and resources you can use to throw a killer party for you and your friends this weekend!

Download a Great Playlist

Nothing ruins a party like bad music. Make sure you plan out a playlist that will maintain the fun and excitement throughout the evening. You don’t want things to be too fast paced the whole night, use variation to maintain your guests’ interest. Also, music can be an excellent way to theme a party.

If you feel the need to change the vibe of the party, modern day music streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music enable you to access millions of tracks throughout the night. You can also download playlists in advance if you’re planning on having the party outside or at a separate location. Apple Music is even currently offering a free three month trial to new customers.

Save Time By Getting Your Party Supplies Delivered

Throwing a large party can be a time-consuming experience. Ensuring that you have enough party supplies for everyone you’ve invited can consist of lengthy and expensive shopping trips. But, you can get all of your bar supplies from a company like WidgetCo, an online cork and drinking material supplier. Widgetco manufactures a range of different cork drinking supplies, as well as metal bottle openers, pouring spouts, and shot glasses.

If you’re looking for more generic party supplies, Party Supplies Delivered delivers a range of affordable products. You can get anything from cups to ping pong balls. They also have holiday-specific decorations that you can use if you’re planning a themed party.

Fun Theme and Constant Updates

Providing constant, entertaining updates via text or Facebook makes sure people remember your event is approaching. If you’re promoting the party through social media, post funny photos and videos in the weeks leading up to the party – create a fun atmosphere among the attendees prior to the day of the event.

One of the best ways to get people interested in the party you’re having is to have an engaging theme. Popular themes are always fun, but getting creative with your party idea can increase its profile. For example, if everyone at the party knows each other, a good theme can be to have everyone wear plain white t-shirts with a funny joke about one of the other guests written on it. It’s a terrific icebreaker.

Well-Stocked Bar, Plenty of Ice, and Great Food

If you can afford it, you should try and make sure you’ve got a well-stocked bar at the house. Party guests love it when their hosts are generous with their hospitality. Not everyone can afford to provide all their invitees with drinks for the night, but you should at least ensure there is ample room for people to store their drinks. Make sure you have some ice and ice chests on hand, there won’t be enough room in your fridge if you’re throwing a large party. There’s nothing worse than warm beer!

Another game changer for parties is supplying great food. Depending on the time of year, a BBQ can be the perfect way to feed your guests. But cooking can be a lot of effort that you may not want to take on. Consider calling around local pizza shops and caterers – a lot of them give substantial discounts on bulk orders. Often, these discounts aren’t publicly available, so you’ll have to go looking if you want to find a good deal!


Over the next few weeks try and find a good time to put down your phone and put a killer party on for you and your friends. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but hosting an event always sounds more stressful than it actually it is. Get fired up about the party you’re planning and come up with a fun and engaging theme that will create excitement around your event. Get together with your closest friends and compile a perfect playlist for the night. Go to the grocery store and stock up on plenty of drinks and food. And save time looking for supplies by ordering through an online distributor like the ones mentioned in this article. And most of all, make sure to have fun – if you’re enjoying yourself, chances are everyone else is too.

The post Put Your Phones Down and Throw a Killer Party appeared first on MobileTweaks.

Ten Personal Finance Tips For You


Ten Personal Finance Tips For You

Today еvеrуоnе wаntѕ their money to be safe and ѕесurе. Hоwеvеr, the fіnаnсіаl wоrld is grоwіng mоrе unѕtаblе and оur needs аrе changing аt a rаріd расе. Thе necessity for іndіvіduаlѕ аnd fаmіlіеѕ tо ѕаvе and mаnаgе thеіr money hаѕ never bееn greater, harder and іt іѕ not gеttіng аnу easier. Managing a budgеt, ѕаvіng аnd investing your mоnеу wіѕеlу іѕ thе immense subject on еvеrуоnе’ѕ mind. Sаvіng mоnеу has become еxtrеmеlу hard today. Yоu should save fоr rеtіrеmеnat, save fоr your kіdѕ’ соllеgе education, ѕаvе іn case you gеt lаіd оff and ѕаvе juѕt tо сrеаtе a sense of соmfоrt.

Hаvе уоu lооkеd at your fіnаnсеѕ lаtеlу? Thе process оf ѕаvіng mоnеу, create wеаlth and achieving аll оf your fіnаnсіаl goals ѕtаrt wіth the awareness whаt реrѕоnаl fіnаnсе іѕ. Shоuld уоu be in nееd of a соrrесt loan, Mоnеуbаnkеr іѕ a rесоmmеndеd dіgіtаl рlаtfоrm whісh ѕеrvеѕ аѕ a реrѕоnаlіzеd ѕеаrсh engine аnd hеlрѕ tо compare the best consumer loan available, bаѕеd on thе consumers’ nееdѕ. It’ѕ free to uѕе. Mоnеуbаnkеr is nоt about саѕhіng уоur рауrоll сhесk, paying уоur bіllѕ аnd mееtіng аll оf your mоnthlу оblіgаtіоnѕ. It’ѕ аbоut hаvіng еnоugh mоnеу ѕаvеd in order tо mееt аll of уоur fіnаnсіаl gоаlѕ in life.

Money is a mеdіum оf exchange, but the lасk of money аddѕ to grеаt еmоtіоnаl stress in our lіvеѕ. Tаkе соntrоl of уоur fіnаnсеѕ іmmеdіаtеlу by rеvіеwіng the fоllоwіng tips рrоvіdеd.

Tоdау іѕ аn еxсеllеnt time tо ѕtаrt rеvіеwіng your fіnаnсеѕ аnd рut tоgеthеr a good financial рrоgrаm wіth gоаlѕ that fіtѕ уоur fіnаnсіаl needs wіth thе hеlр оf Mоnеуbаnkеr. Aftеr you rеvіеw your fіnаnсеѕ, tаkе іmmеdіаtе асtіоn and make ѕоmе positive аdjuѕtmеntѕ. Dо not trу tо tаkе саrе оf it by уоurѕеlf. Make ѕurе Mоnеуbаnkеr know about уоur plans аnd they can аѕѕіѕt you іn meeting аll оf уоur fіnаnсіаl goals. An іmроrtаnt іѕѕuе is tо mеаѕurе уоur rеѕultѕ аnd mаkе аll possible сhаngеѕ nееdеd. Mоnеуbаnkеr іѕ frее to uѕе, stаrt today!

Ten Pеrѕоnаl Fіnаnсе Tірѕ

  1. Try tо ѕреnd ассоrdіng to your budgеt аnd ѕаvе ѕоmе extra cash. Keep trасk оf уоur іnсоmе аnd еxреndіturеѕ. Yоu ѕhоuld be аblе tо ѕаvе ѕоmе саѕh еасh month аnd kеер it aside fоr bad tіmеѕ. It is not whаt уоu earn, іt іѕ whаt you save. Thе іmроrtаnt іѕѕuе іѕ tо spend lеѕѕ than what уоu еаrn. Do nоt gо bеуоnd your mеаnѕ.


  1. Set uр an аutоmаtіс dеbіt frоm уоur bаnk ассоunt tо уоur сrеdіt card account to аvоіd mіѕѕеd payments. Thіѕ will help keep you frоm forgetting.


  1. Invest wіѕеlу аnd ensure that уоu get optimal rеturnѕ fоr уоur іnvеѕtmеntѕ. Avоіd іnvеѕtіng іn one ѕсhеmе or wіth ѕіnglе соmраnу. Inѕtеаd ѕрrеаd your іnvеѕtmеntѕ astutely amongst vаrіоuѕ schemes and соmраnіеѕ.


  1. Avоіd missing уоur сrеdіt саrd оr loan payments; еlѕе you may receive a bаd сrеdіt rating. Dо nоt mіѕѕ thе payment dаtеѕ otherwise уоu may hаvе to рау hugе іntеrеѕtѕ and fіnd dіffісultу in gеttіng furthеr lоаnѕ.


  1. There іѕ much wе can do tо ѕаvе on our expenditures. Gо grееn аnd save оn expensive energy bіllѕ. Evеn the gоvеrnmеnt іѕ рrоvіdіng ѕоmе tax rebates to реорlе trуіng to make thеіr homes more еnеrgу еffісіеnt. Thіѕ wау you саn ѕаvе dоublу bу receiving tаx rеbаtеѕ and paying less on your еnеrgу bills.


  1. A good spending рlаn “nоt a budgеt”, wіll lеt уоu know whеrе уоu аrе ѕреndіng. Dесіdе on whаt уоu want tо ѕреnd уоur mоnеу on іn аdvаnсе and kеер track оf all оf your monthly transactions. From thеrе уоu wіll know what уоur ѕреndіng hаbіtѕ аrе.


  1. Uѕuаllу іn tougher tіmеѕ реорlе tеnd to invest lеѕѕ, but thіѕ ѕhоuld bе аvоіdеd. Kеер your investments rеgulаr whеthеr ѕmаll оr bіg. Remember that еvеn these small іnvеѕtmеntѕ wіll pay уоu gооd rеturnѕ іn thе long run.


  1. Avоіd еxоrbіtаnt spending оn еxреnѕіvе fооd аnd аlсоhоl. Thеѕе аrе fеw thіngѕ thаt саn be avoided in rоugh times. Thе more you save thе better it іѕ fоr уоu.


  1. In саѕе you nееd fіnаnсіаl аdvісе, do not hеѕіtаtе іn соnѕultіng. You саn also do ѕоmе rеѕеаrсh оnlіnе tо mаkе wіѕе іnvеѕtmеntѕ.


  1. Aррlу and use сrеdіt саrdѕ that оffеr 0% for 12 mоnthѕ оr mоrе. Evеrу monthly payment thаt уоu mаkе will gо directly tо the bаlаnсе аnd nоt tо thе high interest. Whеn the 0% іntrо program іѕ аbоut to еxріrе rеvіеw what the іntеrеѕt rаtе will bе. If thе rate after thаt реrіоd іѕ 10% оr more, аррlу fоr аnоthеr 0% сrеdіt card аnd transfer the remaining bаlаnсе. Keep thіѕ рrосеѕѕ and you wіll nеvеr make аn іntеrеѕt payment.


Mоnеуbаnkеr is соmmіttеd tо рrоvіdе full trаnѕраrеnсу fоr оur сuѕtоmеrѕ whіlе thеу аrе applying fоr their personalized lоаn.

Our dеfіnіtіоn of еxсеllеnсе lіеѕ іn:

  1. Outstanding Customer Service
  2. Affоrdаblе Pауmеnt Plаnѕ
  3. Fаѕt аnd Easy Process

At Mоnеуbаnkеr, wе’vе buіlt оur business bу offering customers соnvеnіеnt, іt’ѕ the fіnаnсіаl hеlр уоu nееd whеn уоu nееd it mоѕt. But over the years, wе’vе expanded оur services to become a truе community rеѕоurсе. Tоdау, уоu саn come to Mоnеуbаnkеr tо help уоu with a loan, tо hаvе your lоаn рrераrеd, аnd much mоrе. Mоnеуbаnkеr Cоmраnу іѕ lісеnѕеd, regulated, аnd аudіtеd bу аll states whеrе wе ореrаtе аnd fully complies with аll lаwѕ аnd rеgulаtіоnѕ.

Frіеndlу, rеlіаblе сuѕtоmеr service іѕ аt thе hеаrt оf оur ѕuссеѕѕ. It’ѕ our belief that whеn уоu tаkе саrе оf thе customer, ѕuссеѕѕ tаkеѕ саrе of itself.

It іѕ our goal tо provide сuѕtоmеrѕ wіth thеіr choice, Mоnеуbаnkеr hand pick thе bеѕt саmраіgnѕ bеfоrе presenting thе consumer. We аrе strictly cooperating with trusted соmраnіеѕ. ԛuісklу аnd соnvеnіеntlу while trеаtіng thеm with dіgnіtу and rеѕресt. At Mоnеуbаnkеr, wе rely on rереаt business аnd referrals, and thеrеfоrе ѕtrіvе to attain a hіgh lеvеl of рrоfеѕѕіоnаlіѕm while mаіntаіnіng a quality relationship wіth оur customers.

Our іnѕtаllmеnt lоаnѕ аrе еаѕу and аffоrdаblе. Our friendly ѕtаff wіll work wіth you tо setup a monthly рауmеnt рlаn thаt wоrkѕ fоr you. Yоu’ll bеnеfіt from thе bеѕt ѕеrvісе іn the іnduѕtrу, іnсludіng wоrkіng with оur еxреrtѕ to help you stay within уоur budgеt and build uр your сrеdіt.

Moneybanker hеlріng уоu with a lоаn іѕ simple and ѕtrаіght-fоrwаrd wіth nо “surprises”. You’ll knоw exactly whаt tо expect:

  • Fіxеd mоnthlу payments
  • Fіxеd rерауmеnt tеrmѕ


The post Ten Personal Finance Tips For You appeared first on MobileTweaks.

How to Make Your Exit Interview Count


How to Make Your Exit Interview Count

Companies that utilize the exit interview when an employee resigns can gain valuable and honest insight into some of the things that may be impacting the organization’s success. Making the right staffing decisions can help accounting recruiters attract better talent and retain your top employees. As one of the top Los Angeles accounting recruiters in the industry, we recommend following these tips to make your exit interviews benefit your company.

Make Exit Interviews a Common Practice

First, your organization should make the exit interview standard operating procedure for any employees leaving the company. When your staff knows what to expect ahead of time, you can get more out of the exit interview process.

Get Help From a Neutral Party

Sometimes, it’s difficult to get real, honest feedback from a former employee. You can combat this issue by using a neutral third party to conduct your exit interviews. When someone not connected with your organization administers the interview, you have a better chance of personal feelings and past history not getting in the way of useful input.

Ensure Confidentiality

Having a third party involved in the exit interview process can also help ensure confidentiality. This way, your former employees will feel more compelled to be upfront and honest about the challenges they experienced while working for you.

Give Employees Time to Reflect

We also recommend you conduct your exit interviews a few weeks after an employee’s last day of work. Leaving a company can be an overwhelming and emotional process. Giving people time to reflect can help you reach your goals.

Take Action With the Information

Lastly, if you want your exit interviews to be effective, you have to take action. When you see trends in the data from former employees, take steps to fix the problems.

If you want to learn more about maximizing your exit interview process, contact us today by calling 1-844-500-8100. Here at Beacon Resources, we can help you do more with your recruiting practices.

The post How to Make Your Exit Interview Count appeared first on MobileTweaks.

10 Top Tips And Tricks For Playing Casino Online And Mobile


10 Top Tips And Tricks For Playing Casino Online And Mobile

There are a lot of fun things about the internet that you can enjoy, perhaps one of the best being the fact that you can do a lot of things right from the comfort of your smartphone.  If you’re looking to dedicate time and attention to making the most out of it, than you’re going to want to try looking for casino opppourtunities.  Due to the popularity of them, you can find ones that are designed for mobile playing right from your smartphone, giving you options and fun when you’ve got the time and inclination to use it correctly.  Here are 10 fantastic tips to help you make the most out of it.

  1. Learn the games and strategies

There are a lot of different games out there that you can take advantage of and enjoy, so make sure that you are playing the right game for you.  Pick one that you enjoy playing, firstly, and see that you have at lease some sort of skill in playing it.  This will help make your earnings higher for sure, and it will make the game more enjoyable as you see yourself progressing and holding your own.  Read up on the game and learn the strategies of it so that you are going to be able to make some serious amounts of progress.

  1. Budget and spend wisely

We all have the tendency to overspend in casinos because it is so much fun to be able to just think about the big winnings that are waiting for us, but the reality of the situation is that you are truly going to have to be careful in how you put your money into the game.  Set a strict budget and then use it as wisely as you can, picking the games that cost the less which will enhance your chance of winning more due to the fact that you can more rounds and enjoy the game more than with the higher priced ones.  You’ll love the entire experience more this way as well.

  1. Play at the right times

There are certain times of day where winning the “chance” jackpot is more likely, so make sure that you think about this and try to find a way to make sure that you play it to your advantage.  If you’re really in it to win the big jackpot, than you’re going to want to play during these right times of the day so that you can have a chance of it.  The times of the winnings should be posted online or in the mobile app, so the information is accessible.

  1. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol and gambling make a bad duo.  Alcohol will impede your brain power and will increase your chances of losing the chances of winning in small or moderate amounts, which is the reason that you’re gambling in the first place, right?  So, as much as you may like the idea of enjoying a drink when gambling, refrain as much as you can, it’ll just make it harder for you to get what you came for.

  1. Read the terms and conditions

Each online casino option has rules, and each game as rules, too.  Make sure that you read the terms and conditions, as lengthy as they are.  They will give you information on cashing out, your odds of winning and other surprises – both good and bad – that you are going to want to know about before hand.  Remember that knowledge is power, so make sure that you work as much with it as you can and get it to work in your favour.

  1. Stay relaxed

We all get upset when we have a bad turn or round, but you need to make sure that you keep your emotions in check and get ready for the next one coming up.  Emotional interference is a real thing and it will negatively impact your game.  So, take the loss in stride, play another round, and accept the results as gracefully as you can so that you stay positive about the experience.

  1. Know when you need a break

There will be a time when you need a moment to catch your breath, so take it.  Don’t let the mobile casino push you into another round by sending you notifications.  Just take the time that you are going to want to stay calm and fresh, and then go at it again.  Staying levelheaded will help you make the most out of your investment in time and money.

  1. Trust your gut in regards to safe places

There are many casinos online, and if you’re looking for a list of the top mobile casinos online, than you need to work from a reputable resource.  You don’t want to be playing with ones that seem sketchy or off.  After all, you’re putting your financial information through the app, so you need to make sure that you trust the spot that you’re putting it with.  Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and stay away from the “off” ones.

  1. Make sure it’s compatible with your device

If you are playing with a phone, make sure that it is actually compatible with your system.  You need to make sure that you are going to be able to make a sale with your time and effort.  Plus, remember that your phone is important and you don’t want to compromise it.

  1. When in doubt, walk away

Whether you’re debating your time, investment, energy, financial security, or trustworthiness of anything, walk away if it seems strange.  There doesn’t need to be a concrete reasons that you’re feeling uncertain about your decision.  Just trust yourself and get out of there.

These ten tips will help you to make the most out of your time and money when you are looking to combine it with online mobile casinos.  You’ll be able to get some serious good luck on your side if you put these to good use.

The post 10 Top Tips And Tricks For Playing Casino Online And Mobile appeared first on MobileTweaks.

Top Term Paper Writing Tricks


Writing is a key skill that is important especially when you’re in college. This is the time a student is required to write tons of term papers and essays. All these determine the student’s ability to research, analyze, conclude and even provide strong arguments on a certain topic. So, students should aim to have a clear structure of the paper and create original content. There are so many writing services such as https://writemypaper.today/buy-term-papers.php  who can help you with your term paper if you get stuck.

This paper will look at some of the top tricks to guide you in writing a good term paper

  • Seeking examples and borrowing some ideas

Writing a term paper is a key requirement for college, but completing one can be a daunting task especially for new students. Some may decide to look for writing help from essay writing services, but there are other ways you can get your paper done. A good example is where you look for sample papers related to your paper and borrow some ideas as you create your own.

You can start by researching for papers online, encyclopedias, useful URLs, or any other relevant source related to the topic of your paper. Also, you can look for books, articles, or any other source to help with your research. Once you get some ideas on what you want, remember to jot them down in a notebook. This will make it easier when you start writing term papers

  • Requesting Help

College is made up of endless assignment and homework that students need to deliver on time. This can be exhausting for them and some end up overwhelmed by the workload. But if you find yourself in this situation, you can request for help. There are so many writing services out there that offer writing help with term papers. All you have to do is to look for a reputable one, make your order, then sit back as they do the hard part of delivering a complete paper. As simple as that.

Such term paper writing service has a team of professional writers that will work with you throughout the process until the final stage of your paper. If you cannot afford to pay for your paper, you can ask your professor to guide you through the paper.

  • Buying Term Papers online

If you are struggling with getting ideas for your term paper, you can buy terms papers online from writing services. It is one way to set yourself for academic success since you know you will get a high-quality and carefully crafted term paper. No need for procrastination or confusion, everything is taken care of by buying term papers online.

No matter your academic level, whether college or high school, you can buy term papers online. These paper are subjected to research by a highly qualified team of writers where they turn it into a perfectly written and organized essay.

Perhaps the biggest benefit that comes from buying term papers online is the grade that you get once you’ve handed the paper to your professor. Your grade can improve quickly and boost your GPA.

  • Preparing term paper for presentation (reading, checking sources, editing, proofreading)

If you’re in college, you know that at one time, you will be required to make a presentation of your thesis. But how do you prepare and deliver a successful term paper presentation that will communicate your work effectively? Similarly, you want to impress your supervisors so that it can pass to the next stage.

You can start by listening to the oral presentation of other people. Most of them require that you put emphasis on where the argument of your paper is. Focus on the key points since you have less than thirty minutes to be through with everything. Paraphrase whenever necessary to allow the listener to pause on an important argument.

Then proofread your presentation thoroughly to ensure it perfect. Then start to rehearse your presentation out loud several times. If possible get a person to listen to what you have and give you feedback. If there are things you want to know about your topic or you want to find out more, you can end your presentation with a question. This should make a good term paper presentation.

So, if you’re a student who is stressed about how to complete your term paper, you need not worry. These tips will get you started with your term paper and guide you through the process. So, put them to use and write your term paper with ease.

The post Top Term Paper Writing Tricks appeared first on MobileTweaks.

How to create effective mobile email campaigns


Email mobile marketing has increased in recent years because millions of customers are viewing our messages while on the move every day, which means we must use email formats and content to meet expectations. As we can see, desktop computers aren´t the mail tool for reading emails.

In order to present messages in the best way possible, email platforms are able to create campaigns for mobile. In this article, we´ll explain some tips that help to open, click and convert email marketing campaigns on mobile devices.

1.  Think as a mobile user and create mobile friendly emails using appropriate templates

It´s necessary to adopt simple but effective mobile strategies if you want to increase your subscriber lists and revenue.  All links that are in your email must be mobile-ready.

According to large agencies like Neoattack.com , subscribers hate being sent to a website not designed for mobile devices. If you want to maximize your open and click-through rates your email campaigns must be visualized perfectly in every different environment.

Obviously, the first step to building an email mobile marketing campaign is to choose an email template designed to look great across every mobile device. Actions like to short headers or large text must be taken to create good mobile emails. The mobile email formatting guidelines that we must keep in mind are:

-Email width: 400-550 pixels.

-Call to action image: 40×540 pixels.

-User larger font sizes: for headlines 20-24 pixels and for body text 16 pixels.

It´s important to avoid fancy layouts and show our message short because subscribers hate spending too much time reading emails. Subscribers just scan every email that they receive and decide in few seconds if they will click on it or not.

Maybe, you can ask to yourself, how can I do this? Firstly, you must use a template that is already optimized for mobile devices. Furthermore, many people use a qualified web developer to code responsive emails templates or any email platform.

2. Capture user´s attention writing short subject lines and compelling preheader texts

The reality is that when we have to write subject lines for emails we have less real estate to play with on a mobile device than on a desktop computer.  It means that we should write our subject line using less than 30 characters, so it must be concise and compelling to motivate our audience to open our emails.

Choosing the right subject line is fundamental for getting our messages to clients and prospective clients. Subject lines should be short, concise and personalized because people are more likely to ignore emails with long subject lines. The first thing that user sees is the subject line,  so it must capture the reader´s attention.

In many cases, the subject line is written with dark colors or red to be highlighted among the rest of the email. Other aspect that we must pay attention is the preheader, which is the short summary text that follows the subject line.  Preheader texts are extremely important for subscribers and usually make emails be opened or not.

3. Write a great “from” name and track user email usage

The “From” name in your email must catch the subscriber´s attention and indicate that you are a reliable resource. You need to consider the number of characters (less than 23) that you should include in your from name. Finally, remember that the key of any from name is matching it up with our subscribers´ expectations.

Different sites, like Mailrelay for example, are useful tools for tracking email usage because they help us for learning our target audience´s behavior.

Following these tips provided, you will create effective mobile email campaigns and you will see many improvements in your email marketing results.

The post How to create effective mobile email campaigns appeared first on MobileTweaks.

Top Apple Watch Tips And Tricks To Be More Productive Guide


For those who have been lucky enough to release a new Apple Watch lately, surely they still do not know many apps and tricks that can make them gain in productivity. Being a new device that nobody has used before, it’s very easy to ignore those little things that make your day to day easier.

That is why it’s the perfect time to learn them as soon as possible and without wasting a minute. Having used this Apple Watch eSIM since its launch recently, these are the Apple Watch apps tips and tricks that I would have liked to know from the first moment I put the Apple Watch on my wrist.

Get Back To The Last App

You turn the wrist, the watch face appears. Navigate through your apps and open the one you want. You finish what you are doing and spend five minutes. You spin the wrist again, and the sphere appears again, not the app you just opened.

If you want to turn the wrist to that last app, you can determine that setting from your iPhone in Apple Watch> General> Turn on screen. Here you can choose to return to the sphere or show the last activity.

Answer Emails From Your Wrist

This functionality was restricted in watchOS 1, but since the new update of Apple’s operating system, we can respond to those emails. Use the microphone to dictate text or the default responses to send messages quickly.

Modify Default Responses

Related to the above, you can access Apple Watch> Mail or iMessage> Default responses to modify the default answers, put what you want and sort them in another way. The ones that come by default may sound a bit “dry” depending on who uses them, so best suit them to your style.

Hey Siri

We have two ways to invoke Apple’s personal assistant: turning the wrist and saying Hey Siri or holding the digital crown tight. Siri on the Apple Watch is a great way to be productive. In my case, I often use it when creating reminders such as Remind me to call my parents when I get home.

But its is capable of much more, from set alarms, countdown, and launch apps to make calls and send messages through iMessage. Siri’s comfort in Apple Watch is one of Apple Watch strengths.

Use Your Nose When You Have No Choice

Real situation: you are scrubbing the dishes or cooking. The telephone rings. Leaving what you’re doing, washing your hands and taking the iPhone out of your pocket can make you miss the call. Instead, you turn your wrist to look who it is and after deciding that it is worth this call, pick up the phone with your nose.

There is a Wristly study that asked its subscribers if they used this peculiar method to interact with their clock and many responded affirmatively. So you know, even if they look at you weird you will not be alone when you do.

Customize The Complications

Traditional clocks have complications, which consist of any mechanism or piece of information different at a time. That is the date, calendar, lunar phase, etc. In Apple Watch, the complications go much further. Depending on the sphere, you can incorporate these small widgets both Apple and third-party applications. They are a great way to see relevant information in just a few seconds.

Travel In Time With Your Apple Watch

A very special novelty that brought watchOS 2 was the possibility of traveling in time to know what we expected in the future. With the digital crown, we can see how complications change in addition to the time, showing us the next appointment in our agenda, the time that will do later and other information that we show third-party apps.

In this sense, the Modular sphere is the one that takes greater advantage out of Time travel. When presenting several complications, with special relevance in the agenda, we can see what appointment awaits us in the afternoon and much more.

Return To The Previous App

When we are jumping from app to app, there is a shortcut that allows us to do it almost instantaneously. It consists of squeezing the digital crown twice to toggle between one app and another. You will no longer have to hunt the apps in the home panel constantly.

Mute A Call Or Turn Off The Display

Do not want to pick up a call or have you already consulted what you needed on your Apple Watch? Place your palm on your screen to mute a call or turn off your screen. When you start using it, you’ll wonder why the iPhone does not react the same way.

Control Your Notifications

Apple Watch automatically transfers notifications of your iPhone to your wrist. So, you may not need the same as before. It’s a good opportunity to get rid of all the noise that invades your life.

Customize Email Alerts

The Apple Watch gives you the perfect opportunity to filter the emails that are really important in your day to day. With VIP lists you can choose when you want to be alerted depending on the sender, here we tell you how to configure it.

Also, you can select on your iPhone which email threads you want to be alerted to, regardless of your sender. In Mail, right-click on the email you want to monitor and select Notify me to receive a notification whenever that email is responded to.

Listen To Music On Your Apple Watch While Playing Sports

Accessing from your iPhone to Watch> Music you can select a list to synchronize in your smart watch. Also, here you can choose the limit of songs to synchronize according to a certain capacity or some songs. In this way, you could listen to music with Bluetooth headsets without your iPhone while you play sports.

Selecting Productivity Apps For Apple Watch

The convenience of having a device attached to the wrist makes it the perfect companion of your productivity. In addition to Apple Watch’s serial apps, these provide us with extra productivity:

DO button: from the creators of IFTTT we get this app for Apple Watch. Activate up to three recipes from your wrist quickly and just a few touches.

Word of the day: learn a new word in English every day, perfect for learning new vocabulary constantly.

You record: I have always wanted to record conversations without the people around me noticing as if it were the Inspector Gadget. You can do it from your Apple Watch.

Trello: helps you to organize better in solo as in groups, with its app for the Apple watch you can manage everything without using your iPhone.

Things: this famous app for task management has a version for the Apple Watch, perfect to keep up with what you have to do.

Streaks: one of those selected by Apple a year or perhaps two years ago, this app helps you complete repetitive activities every day.

Quip: this is a word processor that combines a chat with which better handle the documents with your colleagues. Its version for the smart clock keeps you up to date on important conversations and alerts.

Wunderlist: another of the most relevant productivity apps, now with the version for Apple Watch, so you do not forget any task.

Finally, there you have it all on Apple Watch, I have given as many tips and tricks from Apple Watch. And also if you have battery problems with Apple Watch, you can always put it in power saving mode by holding down the Power button until a small menu appears with the option to turn it off or put it into power saving mode, this will only cause it to start when we request it, enjoy.

The post Top Apple Watch Tips And Tricks To Be More Productive Guide appeared first on MobileTweaks.

3 Tips for Safely Making Payments From Your Smartphone


With all the advances in technology, it’s now easier than ever to do almost anything with your smartphone, including making purchases and managing your finances. However, just because this is easy to do doesn’t mean you should go about these transactions flippantly. Your phone can still be vulnerable to attacks by hackers who’d like nothing more than to steal your money or other financial information and ruin your financial future. So to help ensure that this doesn’t happen to you, here are three tips for safely making payments from your smartphone.

Strengthen Your Passwords

Not only should you have strong passwords when signing into different financial apps on your smartphone, but you should also have a strong password for unlocking your phone in general. If your phone were to fall into the wrong hands, you don’t want to make it an easy task to tap into all your sensitive financial information. When creating strong passwords, Laurie L. Dove, a contributor to How Stuff Works, recommends having your passwords be eight or more characters long and have a mixture of numbers, letters, and symbols. Also, if any of your financial apps give you the option to remember your password for a more convenient sign in procedure, opt out of this so that you’re always required to put your password in in order to access your account.

Use The Right Apps

Depending on how many financial tasks you do using your phone, you likely keep quite a few financial apps on your phone. And although these apps can make transactions a lot easier, downloading the wrong apps can put you at risk. According to Natasha Stokes, a contributor to Techlicious.com, you should only download financial apps from the source and from reputable app stores. Also, if an update is available to the financial apps you’re using, make sure you download those updates as soon as you can to best protect your app from potential vulnerabilities. And if you ever think that something’s fishy about an app, don’t use it.

Know How To Remotely Lock Your Phone

Because most people keep at least some sensitive financial information on their phone, you want to be able to protect that information if your phone were to fall into the wrong hands. For this reason, LaTroy Irby, a contributor to The Balance, suggests knowing how to remotely lock your phone so no one other than you can unlock it and see your information. Most phone manufacturers have made some kind of remote locking system just for reasons of security, so learn how to use this feature as a form of protection for your personal financial information.

If you make payments on your smartphone, use the tips mentioned above to ensure you’re doing so in the safest way possible.

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How to Craft the Best Instagram Bios for Your Business


Instagram is all the rage in social media marketing these days. Obviously with 700 million active users on Instagram who wouldn’t want to include it in its marketing strategy. Instagram with such big family of users helps your business reach your potential customers. But for that, you need to tell them what you’ve got to offer to your followers.

On Instagram, your profile gets very little space to grab someone’s or especially your potential customer’s attention. You need to make your profile more appealing to your targeted audience in that given area. The central part of that space is your bio. That’s why many social media experts stressed on crafting best Instagram bios for your business on Instagram.

Based on the importance of your bio section on Instagram, I am going to talk about some tips on how to craft best bios for your business.

Tip # 1: Your Business Name

The first and foremost part of your bio is your highlight that is the first line of your bio, and it is in bold by default. By default in this space, Instagram fills in your name, but you can change it according to what you like. As your headline is the place where your bio starts you should add your name here, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be creative here. You can always spice up things here by adding up your industry or niche with your name. Adding up something you are known for in particular etc. For instance, if you are a fashion blogger, you can add this after your name in bio, so people would know what you are. And your target audience will also be able to search for you by your profession.

Tip # 2:  Your Business Description

The next comes the body of your bio. A good Instagram business bio tells what your business is all about and what you do. It includes everything that your business is offering to its potential customers. Tell your targeted audience the value they will get from your business.

When you want to stand out from your competitors, think about all the ways your business sets you apart from your competitors and briefly explains them in your bio. It will help you explain your business to new viewers and also to gain followers on Instagram fast. Add keywords in describing your business that is relevant to your industry and niche. Your bio can convert new viewers into your potential customers as when they will notice the bio that is most relevant to what they were looking for they will follow you and actively gets their selves engage with your business.

Another way of making your profile bio more appealing is by adding relevant emojis. Don’t overuse them; just keep the balance where your bio still looks professional.

Tip # 3: Hashtags in Your Bio

The next tip for crafting best bio for your business is to add Hashtags in it. On Instagram, Hashtags are the best way to put your business towards your targeted audience, it increases the discoverability of your profile, locate relevant audience and connect with them. Many social media experts have advised adding Hashtags that are relevant and trending in your industry to make your business easier to find for your targeted audience.

Tip # 4: Contact Details

Once you have done adding name, skills, description, emojis to your bio the next step is to add contact details in your bio. People when visit your profile may want to contact you, for that you need to add your contact details like your website link/URL, your email address and directions to your office if you have one. And to add all of these, your profile bio is the best place. Don’t forget to add these details as these are the gateways to convert your viewers into your potential customers.

So, these were some tips you need to take into consideration when writing a bio for your business profile. Now it is up to you how you play with your words and format editing to add more creativity to your bio and make it more appealing for your potential customers. Your bio is the best way to make you discoverable to your targeted audience and gain more followers on Instagram fast. So make most of this space and keep Instagramming!

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Know About Sports Betting


Did you know there have been sports bets for centuries? Since there are people who do sports, there are also people who bet on it. The reasons why folks bet on sports are always the same; Betting on sports is fun you can find the betting sites to choose on https://www.onlinebettingsitereviews.com.au/, and there is a chance to win money. Let’s be honest. It is much еаѕіеr tо have fun whіlе betting оn sports than іt іѕ tо mаkе mоnеу. That іѕ whу ѕо mаnу реорlе are concentrating on the tension thаt thіѕ form оf gambling brings. In fact, one could say that the majority of sports betting is what we call leisure players.

People want to win naturally if they can, but this is not a top priority. They simply enjoy testing their sports skills and having fun at the same time. They are usually enthusiastic sports fans who believe that the game becomes even more exciting when you use a bit of extra money.

Most of these leisure players are quite capable of making money with their bets, even if they do not know. They usually know more than enough about sports; It is just that they do not know how to apply this knowledge correctly. They do not understand the underlying strategy, and they are not really interested in it either.

However, there are many people who have thе ѕоlе intention of making lоng-tеrm рrоfіtѕ, sоmе of thеm аrе vеrу ѕuссеѕѕful.  Thеrе аrе many professional players all over the world who make a very good income through sports betting. Others make only a decent amount of extra money. And, of course, there are those who fail to achieve their goal but are still determined to continue.

Most Of The Tips In The Sportsbooks Out There

In this great guіdе to sports betting, we hаvе ѕоmеthіng for аlmоѕt еvеrуоnе interested in sports betting. Wе provide a quісk оvеrvіеw оf what the sportsbooks contain in the world. The rest of this page is devoted to what we offer in detail. While we see advantages in reading this page completely, it is possible to jump directly to one of our sections should you already know what you are looking for. However, I encourage you to read the article through as to understand what it takes to get the best of sports betting.

The following are some simple betting tips to help you in your efforts today in sports betting.

You Want Really Know Your Own Betting Limits

When you continue to lose, do not try to recover by placing bets. Be consistent in your goal, have a clear mind and keep on achieving the ultimate goal is important, then again knowing when to stop is indispensable. Keep in mind that even if you lose, there is always a next chance to win, so do not lose your temper. What I do is divide the funds that I have between the bets that I consider I need to make money and if I lose do not lose much, you should not spend all the betting capital in a single opportunity. If you do this, consider that it can be a Best idea to divide the bets into the numbers of games in which you plan to bet.

Make bets lіkе a buѕіnеѕѕ and meticulously investigate еvеrу trаnѕасtіоn. Learn to rесіtе by hеаrt thе fundamentals of any sports betting online and all technical terms used. Memorize the rules of the game and be aware of the teams and even the individual players. Check out the different rules and regulations of betting, both in their rules of play and payment or bank rules. Know your bonuses to promote them, as you will find that many sports betting sites offer free bonuses to encourage new customers who can use their software to a great advantage.

Try to discuss with other players who are very familiar with sports betting online to take some useful tips and suggestions. Be clever in the digestion of all the advice received and always consider in evaluating a recommendation that you receive before acting on it. Study all betting sites and their facilities as some may offer different types of bets or bets on events that others generally do not.

Betting Tips On Sports Betting

To be successful in sports betting, you need to keep your knowledge up to date in the betting industry; this is always changing. You have to be able to memorize everything there is to know about the game in which you will be involved. Be specific in the information elements that you find out, this is necessary to aid in your betting strategy and should save it for future use.

Try to avoid getting stuck at a betting site in which you are particularly familiar and always check out other betting sites that are available. This will give you different options and more varieties of opportunities to place bets. Also, many betting sites offer promotions to attract new customers, so if a good promotion is offered take advantage of that opportunity.

If you have sports preferences that you want to focus on, please focus your attention on that sporting event. Pay attention to the updates of sports and news to become a connoisseur of that particular sport, so that you can make superior decisions when placing the bets in this sporting event.

Consider taking betting tips from a professional and beware of so-called free betting tips that are available.

In some cases, they can be fruitful. The Casinos Instructions, gambling strategies and sports betting guides that are available for free to help you with your betting selections. Determine your own bets, how and where to place them. Maximizes the probability of winning by knowing the betting area within the practice of sports and making smart bets.

Finally, always keep an eye on the money you are betting online. Know what your maximum bet is willing to play and never bet more than you can afford to lose. Dividing your total bet on various sports bets is one of the best ideas instead of having to put your entire bet on a game, so not all the money is played on a single bet.

The post Know About Sports Betting appeared first on MobileTweaks.

Top 10 Tips for playing casino


Gaming is fun most especially when you make money from it, but when you lose you feel unhappy. The reason for being sad is simple, and I know why. The idea behind it is that you have always lost your hard earned money. Do not lose hope, the reason why people lose money at the casino is that they did not follow the right step and are too anxious to make it big. Don’t worry we have the best top ten tips that can help you. We have split the tips as general casino tips and those explicitly geared for slot machines as they are so popular these days. Note that even as a player operating from your mobile in the Uk, these tips will give you handsome information that will make you smile to your ATM.


  1. Choose your games wisely: the first step that can help you in this manner is to study how the casino site you want to use operates. Although they all have similarities, you need to look at the security and safety of the site and of course the kind of web bonuses they will give you while gaming. Apparently, the method of depositing and withdrawing from casino sites varies based on their terms and conditions, but one common thing among them is that you will have to play through some games or with a certain amount of cash before you can win to smile. Ensure you understand the game you want to play on whatever site you have chosen to use that can give you an easy bonus.


  1. Know the house odds: in countries like the United Kingdom, playing casino games varies from game to game which makes it essential you have a better understanding of your house edges. For example, in America, house edges around 5.26% because of its zero slots.


  1. Understand the fallacy offered by the gambler: understanding this secret is necessary. How do you do that? Take a brief study of the first ten numbers that come up you will then have to put them down based on what has happened before. Perhaps, you have gotten ten reds then you should know that such colors will not come up again subsequently except if the slot understands that the number of the payout will be much thereby changing their plan so that there won’t be too many payouts.


  1. Try to understand the bankroll management: playing your games with cash is not only stressful but has a high risk although makes it easy for you to monitor what you have won and lost. In other not to have a broken heart at the end of the month as you continue to play your online games, try to set aside an amount you can afford to lose for gambling and only bet with a few percent of it anytime you choose to play. In fact, it is advisable; you set up a bank account for gaming, this will help you understand how much you have gained and how much you have lost, and it will not affect your daily expenditure.


  1. Don’t chase losses: a similar system to bankroll management applies to hunting loses. If in the long term you want to make it, you need to approach your losses with discipline. If while playing you realize you are missing consecutively, drop all stakes and leave every other thing you are doing. However, avoid increasing your stake to recover your losses; it will only make you lose more.


  1. Don’t gamble when tired: online casinos are there 24/7, so you don’t have to stress yourself all because you want to make money from gambling. Whatever time you choose to play you have not lost anything you will just have to study what is happening as at when you come online for you to know how to place your stake.


  1. Don’t drink while gambling: getting drunk before gaming is like you want to punish yourself. Drinking will make you feel high, and in the process, you may lose concentrations and your money is at risk more than when you are tired.


  1. Get a feel for the game: the beauty of online casinos is that you will be able to try out a whole range of games available online without risking or losing your hard earned dollars. Trying out available games for free will give you a feel of betting games you may never have tried before. After you have tried out all competitions and have found the one that suits you, then you can make a deposit and get going.


  1. Look out for promotions: as a player in the Uk, there are so many sites you can choose to use. What matters is that you should try to check out how they run their promos to see that one that will be best for you.


  1. Dodge nasty bonus surprises: most people don’t take their time to read the bonus terms that pop up while playing their games. They just jump in this can make you lose but if you can take your time to read thoroughly, you will, in fact, make more money with all those bonuses.


It will be a wrong statement to say no one ever wins when playing casino. The fact is just that some people not only catch fun with it but make a living by it. The reality is just that it is very rear to win bug without having to spend a lot of money to achieve greater heights. What you regularly do will later get used to you, and from their you master everything. As a player in the UK, this tips will help you make money from the casino if you don’t give up and get committed to playing casino online most especially on your mobile device.

The post Top 10 Tips for playing casino appeared first on MobileTweaks.

Top 10 Winning Tips For Sports Betting


Many people consider sports betting as a hobby, and few others find it as a fun time. However, there are still ways to earn good bucks of money on this type of betting. You need to understand the tricks and strategy of sports betting, varied types of bets to make, understand and compare the odds, and know the exact time when to make smart bets or simply walk away from bad betting. Moreover, sports betting is not like winning a big amount in one huge slot; rather it requires proper time and dedication to win a series of small and smarter bets. One wrong approach and you are unlikely to enjoy sports betting and making a profit.

However, do not underestimate and stop yourself from sports betting. This article will surely help you to develop good habits from the onset itself. Enjoy betting on various sports as the site LiveBets provides in-depth analysis of hockey betting odds along with very important winning tips to successfully perform sports betting.

Tip 1: Set the Attainable Goals

Majority of the people loses in sports betting and this is a bitter fact. Some people are of the belief that they can bet better based upon their sports knowledge and compete with the bookmakers. However, this is actually not the case as sport betting is quite a higher level than just a little sports knowledge. Lot many things are required to become a successful bettor of sports.

Initially, set realistic and short-term goals of winning money by which you can enjoy achieving them. After getting the required experience, go ahead setting more complex and long-term objectives, which will provide you great profit.

Tip 2: Learning the Basics of Sports Betting

Sport betting is considered simple and enjoyable but it does not mean to get it started right away without uprooting its fundamentals. Thus, learn the basics before placing wagers to reach a better position and take full enjoyment in it. The most important points to take care are:

  • Know about varied types of sports betting and odds
  • Components and types of sports wager
  • Learning fixed odds betting
  • Betting with a bookmaker
  • How a bookmaker can make more money

Tip 3: Know-how of Basic Maths and Use a Staking Plan

This is a number game and requires a basic understanding of division and multiplication of numbers. A professional sports bettor should possess basic knowledge of Maths as it cannot be played on instinct for a long time. To be successful in sports betting, prepare a feasible staking plan and understand the odds in terms of probability.

Here are few benefits of using a proper staking plan:

  • Lesser chances of losing money during bad times
  • Fewer possibility to lose money from good bet
  • Lesser chance for irrational betting decisions

Tip 4: Importance of Concept of Value

Clearly understand the concept of value while sport betting. It indicates the relation between the selection odds and the probability of related output. When the odds of a selection are higher than the technically relevant probability, the selection is considered to possess a positive expected value. This results in successful sports betting. Thus, even if your objective is to bet for fun, you should have a proper understanding of this concept.

Tip 5: Understanding the Required Betting Strategies

Sports bettor, especially the beginners should spend some time in understanding simple betting strategies to make good decisions. Thus, we have compiled a list of strategies to have successful and enjoyable sports betting:

  • Try ignoring personal bias
  • Spend sufficient research time
  • Always have trust on your judgment
  • Not to get overconfident on your win
  • Don’t be disheartened on your loss
  • Try experimenting new tricks and strategies of betting
  • Take part in betting forums

Tip 6: Comparing Odds and Lines

You should follow this one of the easiest tips of comparing odds and lines. Performing this comparison is very simple and takes just few minutes before you place a wager. Several betting websites and bookmakers have variations in the odds and lines. There is actually a minor difference in the odds and lines of varied sites, but it can become more with the passing time. So, do proper research to get the best deal possible for the wager you place.

Tip 7: Maintaining your Betting Records

Keeping a track record of your sports betting is necessary for the beginners. The reasons behind this are – Firstly, you can monitor your money spent in betting and stick to your set budget. Secondly, with these records, you can have chances to improve your strategies of sports betting by referring them on regular intervals. This tip is very useful to gain a long-term profit and analyze your very own performance.

Have a record of the following list of information for your each wager:

  • Sports selection
  • Odds of selection
  • Stake size
  • Wager result
  • Received payment amount if the wager is won

Tip 8: Bet Smartly, Not Emotionally

Many people bet for their emotional purpose rather than on a particular objective of their desired outcome. Such people may bet for their home town, their country, or their hot favorite sports star. This means the odds to win are chosen based on the popularity and not what the bookmaker thinks, which can be a real winning chance. The winning chances in this case, reduce a lot. Thus, forget about your favorite team and carefully bet on the outcome where you already had an emotional investment.

Tip 9: Invest in your Interest Area

Most of the money is bet on highly rich profile games, especially when they are showcased on television. However, the professional sports bettors usually focus more on the niche bets. They choose a couple of sports to bet and develop a deep understanding about its odds and market.

The professional punters usually do not bet on high profile sports that possess their own industry experts and a great fan following. Moreover, they do not even choose to bet on high profile matches of their favorite sports.

Thus, it is advised to bet on fewer famous sports to avail several betting opportunities and a potential to develop your expertise. Always look at the lower leagues and not so famous sports for successful betting.

Tip 10: Handle your losses positively

No one would like to lose their hard-earned money, but creating a hype of this feeling and getting averse can lead to mental disorder and irrational behavior, which can cost quite high than the profit you make on sports betting. So, be ready to accept the loss while betting no matter how expert bettor you are. The professional punters will always move on from their losses so that their future decision is not distorted, which differentiates them from others.


Many people have a false notion of gambling being a luck game. However, sport betting is random and the people often placing irrational bets dominate this market. If you understand these flaws, then you are a champion and others will consistently help you indirectly to earn money from sports betting.

In nutshell, sports punters need required expertise, professional experience and hard work to become successful. So, keep using these 10 important tips to compete with the bookmakers and the entire market.

The post Top 10 Winning Tips For Sports Betting appeared first on MobileTweaks.

Ten Personal Finance Tips For You


Ten Personal Finance Tips For You

Today еvеrуоnе wаntѕ their money to be safe and ѕесurе. Hоwеvеr, the fіnаnсіаl wоrld is grоwіng mоrе unѕtаblе and оur needs аrе changing аt a rаріd расе. Thе necessity for іndіvіduаlѕ аnd fаmіlіеѕ tо ѕаvе and mаnаgе thеіr money hаѕ never bееn greater, harder and іt іѕ not gеttіng аnу easier. Managing a budgеt, ѕаvіng аnd investing your mоnеу wіѕеlу іѕ thе immense subject on еvеrуоnе’ѕ mind. Sаvіng mоnеу has become еxtrеmеlу hard today. Yоu should save fоr rеtіrеmеnat, save fоr your kіdѕ’ соllеgе education, ѕаvе іn case you gеt lаіd оff and ѕаvе juѕt tо сrеаtе a sense of соmfоrt.

Hаvе уоu lооkеd at your fіnаnсеѕ lаtеlу? Thе process оf ѕаvіng mоnеу, create wеаlth and achieving аll оf your fіnаnсіаl goals ѕtаrt wіth the awareness whаt реrѕоnаl fіnаnсе іѕ. Shоuld уоu be in nееd of a соrrесt loan, Mоnеуbаnkеr іѕ a rесоmmеndеd dіgіtаl рlаtfоrm whісh ѕеrvеѕ аѕ a реrѕоnаlіzеd ѕеаrсh engine аnd hеlрѕ tо compare the best consumer loan available, bаѕеd on thе consumers’ nееdѕ. It’ѕ free to uѕе. Mоnеуbаnkеr is nоt about саѕhіng уоur рауrоll сhесk, paying уоur bіllѕ аnd mееtіng аll оf your mоnthlу оblіgаtіоnѕ. It’ѕ аbоut hаvіng еnоugh mоnеу ѕаvеd in order tо mееt аll of уоur fіnаnсіаl gоаlѕ in life.

Money is a mеdіum оf exchange, but the lасk of money аddѕ to grеаt еmоtіоnаl stress in our lіvеѕ. Tаkе соntrоl of уоur fіnаnсеѕ іmmеdіаtеlу by rеvіеwіng the fоllоwіng tips рrоvіdеd.

Tоdау іѕ аn еxсеllеnt time tо ѕtаrt rеvіеwіng your fіnаnсеѕ аnd рut tоgеthеr a good financial рrоgrаm wіth gоаlѕ that fіtѕ уоur fіnаnсіаl needs wіth thе hеlр оf Mоnеуbаnkеr. Aftеr you rеvіеw your fіnаnсеѕ, tаkе іmmеdіаtе асtіоn and make ѕоmе positive аdjuѕtmеntѕ. Dо not trу tо tаkе саrе оf it by уоurѕеlf. Make ѕurе Mоnеуbаnkеr know about уоur plans аnd they can аѕѕіѕt you іn meeting аll оf уоur fіnаnсіаl goals. An іmроrtаnt іѕѕuе is tо mеаѕurе уоur rеѕultѕ аnd mаkе аll possible сhаngеѕ nееdеd. Mоnеуbаnkеr іѕ frее to uѕе, stаrt today!

Ten Pеrѕоnаl Fіnаnсе Tірѕ

  1. Try tо ѕреnd ассоrdіng to your budgеt аnd ѕаvе ѕоmе extra cash. Keep trасk оf уоur іnсоmе аnd еxреndіturеѕ. Yоu ѕhоuld be аblе tо ѕаvе ѕоmе саѕh еасh month аnd kеер it aside fоr bad tіmеѕ. It is not whаt уоu earn, іt іѕ whаt you save. Thе іmроrtаnt іѕѕuе іѕ tо spend lеѕѕ than what уоu еаrn. Do nоt gо bеуоnd your mеаnѕ.


  1. Set uр an аutоmаtіс dеbіt frоm уоur bаnk ассоunt tо уоur сrеdіt card account to аvоіd mіѕѕеd payments. Thіѕ will help keep you frоm forgetting.


  1. Invest wіѕеlу аnd ensure that уоu get optimal rеturnѕ fоr уоur іnvеѕtmеntѕ. Avоіd іnvеѕtіng іn one ѕсhеmе or wіth ѕіnglе соmраnу. Inѕtеаd ѕрrеаd your іnvеѕtmеntѕ astutely amongst vаrіоuѕ schemes and соmраnіеѕ.


  1. Avоіd missing уоur сrеdіt саrd оr loan payments; еlѕе you may receive a bаd сrеdіt rating. Dо nоt mіѕѕ thе payment dаtеѕ otherwise уоu may hаvе to рау hugе іntеrеѕtѕ and fіnd dіffісultу in gеttіng furthеr lоаnѕ.


  1. There іѕ much wе can do tо ѕаvе on our expenditures. Gо grееn аnd save оn expensive energy bіllѕ. Evеn the gоvеrnmеnt іѕ рrоvіdіng ѕоmе tax rebates to реорlе trуіng to make thеіr homes more еnеrgу еffісіеnt. Thіѕ wау you саn ѕаvе dоublу bу receiving tаx rеbаtеѕ and paying less on your еnеrgу bills.


  1. A good spending рlаn “nоt a budgеt”, wіll lеt уоu know whеrе уоu аrе ѕреndіng. Dесіdе on whаt уоu want tо ѕреnd уоur mоnеу on іn аdvаnсе and kеер track оf all оf your monthly transactions. From thеrе уоu wіll know what уоur ѕреndіng hаbіtѕ аrе.


  1. Uѕuаllу іn tougher tіmеѕ реорlе tеnd to invest lеѕѕ, but thіѕ ѕhоuld bе аvоіdеd. Kеер your investments rеgulаr whеthеr ѕmаll оr bіg. Remember that еvеn these small іnvеѕtmеntѕ wіll pay уоu gооd rеturnѕ іn thе long run.


  1. Avоіd еxоrbіtаnt spending оn еxреnѕіvе fооd аnd аlсоhоl. Thеѕе аrе fеw thіngѕ thаt саn be avoided in rоugh times. Thе more you save thе better it іѕ fоr уоu.


  1. In саѕе you nееd fіnаnсіаl аdvісе, do not hеѕіtаtе іn соnѕultіng. You саn also do ѕоmе rеѕеаrсh оnlіnе tо mаkе wіѕе іnvеѕtmеntѕ.


  1. Aррlу and use сrеdіt саrdѕ that оffеr 0% for 12 mоnthѕ оr mоrе. Evеrу monthly payment thаt уоu mаkе will gо directly tо the bаlаnсе аnd nоt tо thе high interest. Whеn the 0% іntrо program іѕ аbоut to еxріrе rеvіеw what the іntеrеѕt rаtе will bе. If thе rate after thаt реrіоd іѕ 10% оr more, аррlу fоr аnоthеr 0% сrеdіt card аnd transfer the remaining bаlаnсе. Keep thіѕ рrосеѕѕ and you wіll nеvеr make аn іntеrеѕt payment.


Mоnеуbаnkеr is соmmіttеd tо рrоvіdе full trаnѕраrеnсу fоr оur сuѕtоmеrѕ whіlе thеу аrе applying fоr their personalized lоаn.

Our dеfіnіtіоn of еxсеllеnсе lіеѕ іn:

  1. Outstanding Customer Service
  2. Affоrdаblе Pауmеnt Plаnѕ
  3. Fаѕt аnd Easy Process

At Mоnеуbаnkеr, wе’vе buіlt оur business bу offering customers соnvеnіеnt, іt’ѕ the fіnаnсіаl hеlр уоu nееd whеn уоu nееd it mоѕt. But over the years, wе’vе expanded оur services to become a truе community rеѕоurсе. Tоdау, уоu саn come to Mоnеуbаnkеr tо help уоu with a loan, tо hаvе your lоаn рrераrеd, аnd much mоrе. Mоnеуbаnkеr Cоmраnу іѕ lісеnѕеd, regulated, аnd аudіtеd bу аll states whеrе wе ореrаtе аnd fully complies with аll lаwѕ аnd rеgulаtіоnѕ.

Frіеndlу, rеlіаblе сuѕtоmеr service іѕ аt thе hеаrt оf оur ѕuссеѕѕ. It’ѕ our belief that whеn уоu tаkе саrе оf thе customer, ѕuссеѕѕ tаkеѕ саrе of itself.

It іѕ our goal tо provide сuѕtоmеrѕ wіth thеіr choice, Mоnеуbаnkеr hand pick thе bеѕt саmраіgnѕ bеfоrе presenting thе consumer. We аrе strictly cooperating with trusted соmраnіеѕ. ԛuісklу аnd соnvеnіеntlу while trеаtіng thеm with dіgnіtу and rеѕресt. At Mоnеуbаnkеr, wе rely on rереаt business аnd referrals, and thеrеfоrе ѕtrіvе to attain a hіgh lеvеl of рrоfеѕѕіоnаlіѕm while mаіntаіnіng a quality relationship wіth оur customers.

Our іnѕtаllmеnt lоаnѕ аrе еаѕу and аffоrdаblе. Our friendly ѕtаff wіll work wіth you tо setup a monthly рауmеnt рlаn thаt wоrkѕ fоr you. Yоu’ll bеnеfіt from thе bеѕt ѕеrvісе іn the іnduѕtrу, іnсludіng wоrkіng with оur еxреrtѕ to help you stay within уоur budgеt and build uр your сrеdіt.

Moneybanker hеlріng уоu with a lоаn іѕ simple and ѕtrаіght-fоrwаrd wіth nо “surprises”. You’ll knоw exactly whаt tо expect:

  • Fіxеd mоnthlу payments
  • Fіxеd rерауmеnt tеrmѕ


The post Ten Personal Finance Tips For You appeared first on MobileTweaks.

20 Ways To Save Money


Everyone is actually looking to save some money and spend less on outings, but it’s often very difficult to do. Most of the tips you can find online are actually what you have been doing for years and did not really work. To really achieve your very own financial goals, it’s necessary to learn how to save money, and we really need it in this current society, where people are surrounded by a host of attractions that are of great importance to them.

However, if you are looking for tips that work really well and easily, this list should help you. Below you are going to find 20 straightforward ways to start saving. Saving is a commitment to oneself. Do not wait any longer to start your savings, start now!


#1. Wait Before Making Purchases

Everyone has already seen something in a store and bought it on a whim. If perhaps you waited thirty days to know if this object, clothing you still need, there is a good chance that this is no longer the case. The price must have dropped significantly.


#2. Look For Discounts

Auto insurance, gym membership, and many other things can come with a discount if you are looking at the right place. Contact your health insurance to find out if they offer a discount for a gym for example. Need a vacation? Check out RV rental prices to find the best deals for your next adventure.

#3. Analyze Actual Expenses

If you follow your money for 30 days, you will often see that you are spending quite a bit on things you do not need. Track each of these expenses for at least a month to see what can be saved.


#4. Buy Gift Cards

If you offer a gift card and the person to whom you offer it is not that useful, you can exchange it for money. Even if it is a little less than the amount of the card; it’s like winning a few dollars for free.


#5. Plan Your Meals

If you plan your meals each week, even though it’s not a very detailed plan, you can often save money on your grocery cart. Instead of buying products that tempt you, you only buy the ones on your list and avoid the extras.


#6. Save from tax refunds

Get you Itin application submit the tax returns and save tax  on work bonus, inheritance, contest winnings, or tax refund, put a portion into your savings account.


#7. Renegotiate Your Insurance Contracts

If perhaps you have never had an auto accident or maybe tickets for a certain number of years, you can ask for a lower rate. If you own and install a security system, you can also get a lower rate.


#8. Use The Right Credit Cards

If you use your credit cards all the time, you must make sure that you use the right ones. Choose cards that offer rewards. If you are traveling, it’s more interesting to use those that offer you sky miles. And if you want to save on food every month, take a card that offers cash back for every purchase you make.


#9. Shop At Multiple Locations

Large shopping centers are not the only places where you can shop. Look around your area before purchasing as to find the smallest price possible.


#10. Reduce Monthly Expenses

Do you really need the cable? Do you need so many channels? Check often the expenses that can be reduced.


#11. Double Check Your Bank Statements

It is very easy to make a false purchase with a card if you are not careful. Always check your statements at the end of the month to avoid this inconvenience.


#12. Always Pay Off Your Credit Card

By paying your very own card in full every month, you can save a considerable amount on interest rates


#13. Transfer Small Amounts Frequently

You can save without realizing it if you set aside each week instead of once a month. Start with $ 20 and see how it adds up quickly without having a big impact on your daily life.


#14. Enjoy The Sales

Be on the lookout for significant discounts on items you buy regularly. Instead of buying shoes when it’s season, wait until there is destocking to buy a really cheap pair out there.


#15. Send Spam To Your Junk Mail Folder

Immediately discard catalogs arriving in the mail or in your emails, including those you receive after requesting a discount at an online store. By getting rid of it, you will be less tempted to spend money.


#16. Do Not Wait To Make The Necessary Repairs

Your car makes a weird noise? You really want to have the car repaired as soon as you hear this noise. It will cost you less than if you waited a long time and had to make a big repair.


#17. Check The Temperature

By lowering the temperature a few degrees in the winter or increasing it slightly in the summer, you can significantly reduce your electricity or gas bill.


#18. Play Sports And Eat Healthily

Being very healthy could save you thousands of dollars in medical costs. Do a few exercises each day and eat healthy when you can to reduce your visits to the doctor.


#19. Enjoy An Evening At Home

Eating outside, going to the movies or having a drink can quickly raise the bill. Instead, eat at home and curl up on the couch while watching an old movie. You can earn at least $ 100 depending on what you are used to.


#20. Buy Meals On Discounts Sale

If you plan your meals, you can also plan them based on the discounts found in the flyers. If the chicken is special this week, buy it instead of beef. Money does not spare anyone, right? So the ideal thing we could actually do would be to take care of it so that it gives us more. That’s why we started thinking about 20 straightforward ways to save money!



Do not try to do everything at the same time. It can be a little scary. However, if you choose just one of these tips or even two and try to apply them, you will quickly see the difference. Once they are back in your habits, you can add more. In a very short time, you will see how easy it is to save money!

The post 20 Ways To Save Money appeared first on MobileTweaks.

Are You Doing Homework The Best You Can? Three Signs Of Failure


Have you tried your possible best to ace your physic homework but nothing seems to work out fine? Are your interest and grades in physics discouraging you? Here are three signs of failure you need to address.

Difficulty in understanding

Sincerely, physics is a bit difficult to understand. But it is not impossible. It can be one of the most interesting courses you will ever come across as a science student if you put your mind to it. You may have tried your possible best to understand and provide a quality paper on your homework without success. Finding it hard to understand your physics assignment is a sign of failure.

It is impossible to score high mark when you do not understand the assignment. You will find yourself making mistakes upon mistakes when ordinarily you should not. These are signs of failure and an indication that your grades are failing. To help yourself out of this situation, always communicate with the teacher. Be ready to ask questions in any area you have challenges. Little explanation from your teacher can help you understand the assignment better. So, request for such help if you have problems understanding your physics assignment.

Grades are not improving

Have you tried your best to score high on your assignment but the reverse is the case? That is a sure sign of failure. Most assignments are used to grade students. That means you can have better grades when you consistently score higher marks in your homework.

If your physics grades have been average even as you move from one class to another, then you have to do something about it. However, most students in this condition will find the best writing services to award their homework to. The idea is to score high on the assignment which will affect their final grades positively.

You need to work hard to improve your grades. Remember that physics is an important subject for science students. So you need to be extremely good at it.

No motivation

Most students lose motivation when dealing with physics assignment. They have been frustrated by poor performances they continue having. Physics involve more of abstract thinking and calculations that may be confusing. In fact, all of them, including the theoretical and practical aspects, put together make most students lose interest in the subject easily.

But you must show interest and stay motivated if you want to become a successful physics student. Lack of motivation is a sign of failure and you should avoid it at all cost.


If you have done all your possible best on your physics paper without success, it is advisable to seek other alternatives. The above tips are signs of failure, and things you must do to avoid failing. Physics is a bit different from other science courses. It involves a lot of abstract thinking and calculations that can be boring. But you must not relent in giving your best if your focus is to make better grades.

The post Are You Doing Homework The Best You Can? Three Signs Of Failure appeared first on MobileTweaks.

3 Tricks to Running an Oil Company from Your Phone


With advanced technology and new mobile apps, you can even run an oil company from the comfort of your phone. Here are three tricks to get you started!

Even in this hyper connected era, nearly 50% of all small businesses have no web presence at all. While many companies are still relying on word of mouth and foot traffic in their brick and mortar locations, an increasing number of businesses can be run by phone.

Just a few simple elements are needed to run an oil company from your phone.

The capabilities of smartphones and tablets allow everything from web development, creating and editing commercials, and building your reputation. Use social media the right way and you can let the world know you exist without ever leaving your house.

If you’re looking to create an oil company that you can run just from your phone, follow these 3 tips.

1. A Clever Name

If you can come up with a name that reminds people of your company’s web address or phone number, you’ll kill two birds with one name. If your company is named “1-800-New-York-Gas,” you’ll remind people how to get ahold of you and the name of your company.

If you name your company HoustonOilPeople.com, you can get people looking up your company without having to run a search. Given that mobile browsing has surpassed desktop browsing, people will likely find you via their smartphone and want to give you a call.

Most transactions will be handled digitally, so there’s no need to even open an office. Follow the other more important things on your startup checklist.


2. A Call-To-Action

Calls to action are usually visually powerful buttons that sit at the top of a website and scream out to the viewer to click on them. You can make it the centerpiece of your front page or make it part of your menu.

Whatever you choose, you should make it persist across every page. Make the action call your office phone when it’s clicked and you’ll be able to run your entire operation from your phone.

3. A Mobile App

The best way to run your company through your phone is probably through a mobile app. If you can build an app that integrates with your accounting, payment and ordering operations, you can streamline your entire company.

Check out the wide variety of oil company and oil field apps available to get an idea of what’s possible. Take some of the best ideas from each of the available apps and build the perfect app for those ideas.

Give your customers incentives and discounts for using the app so you can cut down on paperwork and ensure engagement at the same time.

Run Your Oil Company from Your Phone

Believe it or not, you can create a robust presence for your company just via your phone. Make sure you’ve claimed all of your listings on Google, Yelp, and Yahoo! Local and you’ll be able to shape how customers see your business. Add photos and well-written content to social media and you can build a seemingly large business on a shoestring.

If you’re interested in more hacks to do business via your phone, contact us for tips.


The post 3 Tricks to Running an Oil Company from Your Phone appeared first on MobileTweaks.

5 Reasons Why You Need A Mobile App for Your Retail Store

A mobile app for your retail store has many benefits. It’s fun, you can create loyalty programs, and it seems like every store has one these days. These 5 reasons will give you more information on why you should consider an app for your retail business.

In 2017, nearly 25% of online purchases were made with smartphones or tablets. This statistic tells us that there is an incredible appetite for shopping via smartphones, and if you own a retail store you’d do best by feeding this appetite.

Of course, this isn’t the only reason you should build a mobile app for retail stores. An app can provide innumerable benefits, so we’ll just provide 5 reasons why you should create your own mobile app below.

1. You Have to Keep Up with the Jones

This maybe seems like a reductive reason to do anything, but all your competitors are building mobile retail apps, so you should too. It’s not just big-box retailers, either. Even small-to-midsize retailers are hopping on the trend.

And a consumer is going to pick the retailer with the most convenient purchasing experience. And since there are now 4.77 billion smartphone users, a mobile app will win out.

2. It Boosts Customer Loyalty

With a mobile app, you can create new sales opportunities. You can provide exclusive in-app discounts on purchases, and send push notifications to customers to give them coupons or tell them about sales and new products.

If they like your company, they’ll appreciate the gesture. As long as you don’t overdo it.

3. It Increases Customer Convenience

A mobile gives customers a direct channel to your store. And with it, they can search your inventory directly without having to use Google or try to navigate your website on their web browser.

With a mobile app, you can completely control the digital environment your customers are using to interact with your brand.

4. They’re More Fun to Use

If you’ve ever tried to use a poorly optimized website on a mobile device, you know how frustrating it can be to navigate. The menu bars are too small, the hyperlinks are hard to press, and you have to scroll through portions of the website that are too big for your screen.

With mobile app development, you can avoid all of this. You can also make the experience much more immersive, adding music, responsive sounds, and vibrations for different buttons.

They can also be used to enhance the customer experience even when they’re inside your store. For example, you could program the app so that they can make in-store purchases through the app and scan items to figure out product prices and other information.

5. They Can Help Employees, Too

Lastly, a merchandising app for your store can be used to organize your employees. With an app built just for employees, your workers can talk with each other more easily, delegating tasks and managing responsibility.

They can also monitor inventory, send pictures of store displays, and clock in and out of their work shifts.

Want to Build a Mobile App for Retail Stores?

Now that you understand how a mobile app for retail stores can benefit your business, all you need to do is build it. This is, admittedly, a difficult task. If you need advice or tips for developing your mobile app, you may want to consider checking out the app section of our website.

Whether you need development tips or inspiration from other top apps, our website has it all.

The post 5 Reasons Why You Need A Mobile App for Your Retail Store appeared first on MobileTweaks.

5 Essential Tips For Better Money Management On The Go


Are you too busy to keep track of your personal finances with pen and paper? Today, mobile apps are the digital checkbooks for people who are on the move, like you. Here are 5 essential tips for better money management on the go.

Money management isn’t something most people excel at. In fact, around two-thirds of Americans wouldn’t be able to handle a $1,000 emergency should it come up.

Whether it’s a job loss, illness, or car maintenance, life tends to sneak up on you in an expensive way. These unfortunate scenarios don’t have to break your finances though.

If you want to avoid finding yourself in a financial peril, you are in the right place. Keep reading below for five tips to help you achieve better money management. Bonus tip? They can all be done on the go!

1. Budget

You probably know that budgeting is the first step to managing your money, but have come up with a laundry list of excuses to avoid getting started.

Stop making excuses. Budgeting is crucial because you must understand your spending habits and what you can realistically afford.

Budgeting is especially importing in order to not overspend on vacation. be sure to check out these helpful travel apps for your next trip!

There are many mobile options to help you with this task. One of the best finance mobile apps is Mint. Be sure to check out the features and decide if it is for you.

2. Keep Friends Happy

How many times have you paid for something for a friend or vice versa? It can happen to make things simpler or when you find yourself without cash.

Regardless of the scenario, ensuring there is an easy way to pay back people who have loaned you money is helpful. Sometimes getting cash out of the bank or writing a check just isn’t practical.

Consider checking out apps like Venmo, which allow you to send and receive money securely with your friends and family.

3. Invest in the Future

One of the smartest decisions you can make is thinking about your money future. If you are unsure where to start, check out a personal capital app.

This type of investing app will provide you with an automated assistant when you start. As you accrue more wealth, you will receive even more assistance in managing your money.

As a bonus feature, the Personal Capital App will also track your spending like Mint and organize it into categories.

4. Automate Your Savings for Better Money Management

Some people struggle to put away money for savings. One mobile solution is an app like Acorns. This app will round any purchase up to the next highest dollar and move that money to a savings account.

This type of savings app can help you achieve emergency funds or save for your next vacation.

5. Know Your Credit Score

Being financially responsible means knowing your overall standing or finance health. Your credit score can tell you a lot of valuable information.

It is a free app that can give you suggestions on factors to work on in order to improve your score.

It can also provide you with credit cards you would likely be approved for.

Successfully Manage Your Money

With the above five tips and app ideas, you should be well on your way to better money management. Regardless of your income level, there are clear steps to take to achieve your money dreams.

Ready for more money management tips? Check out these great apps that can actually make you money!


The post 5 Essential Tips For Better Money Management On The Go appeared first on MobileTweaks.

Top 10 Tips for Choosing a New Phone Case


Are you in the market for a new phone case? With all the choices out there, how do you decide? Read on to learn the top ten tips for choosing a new phone case.m

Did you know one out of every five people drop their phones down the toilet?

If this many people drop their phones in the toilet, how much more likely are they to drop it on the bedroom floor? Point being, phone cases are an extremely important piece of equipment.

And if you don’t have a phone case yet, you need to get one.

Take a look at these 10 tips that will help you fight the right case for your phone.

1. Do You Need a Case at All?

If you think there’s even a small chance you could drop your phone, you need a phone case. A single drop can ruin your phone and force you to shell out more money for a new one.

A case is cheaper than a new phone, so it’s worth the investment.

2. Don’t Settle for Something Cheap

You can find phone cases for as little as $1, but unless you want to end up buying a new phone, you shouldn’t buy one. In fact, you should stay away from anything cheap.

You get what you paid for.

One dollar phone cases aren’t even worth that dollar. They provide almost no protection for your phone, and should you drop your phone, these types of cases usually just break.

So getting a cheap case is almost as bad as getting no case at all.

3. Spend Some Time Shopping

Don’t just buy a case from the AT&T or Apple store. These manufacturers don’t usually have the best deals.

Spend some time doing your research and shopping around before you buy anything. Third-party vendors, like this company, sell good cases at good prices. You’ll get your phone the protection it needs and save some money when you buy through one of these vendors.

Just makes sure the cases you’re looking at aren’t cheap knockoffs.

4. Do You Need More Battery Life for Your Phone?

If your phone needs more battery life, your first thought might be to buy an external battery. But there are actually cases that protect your phone and charge it at the same time.

This type of case comes with a built-in battery, so if you use your phone a lot in places that don’t have access to a charger, this case could be a good option.

But there still are a few things you should consider about battery cases.

Because there’s an extra battery inside, the case is bulky. It also focuses on charging your phone rather than protecting it. Though this case does offer protection, it’s not as strong as some other cases.

5. Match Your Case with a Screen Protector

Most cases don’t protect the front of your phone, so to keep the screen from scratching or cracking, you need a screen protector.

There are two different types of screen protectors: plastic and glass.

Plastic is cheaper and more flexible, but aside from protecting your screen from scratches, it doesn’t do much else.

Glass protects your screen from scratches and from cracking. If you drop your phone a lot, you’ll definitely want to invest in a glass screen protector (they don’t cost a lot of money).

6. Will You Be Spending Time Around Water?

Waterproof phone cases allow your phone to be completely usable underwater (though you shouldn’t make a habit of this). The point is, these phone cases let your phone survive an unfortunate dunk in the pool drop in the snow.

It’s a good idea to get a waterproof case if you spend a lot of time outdoors. Things like camping, hiking, going to the beach, hanging out at the pool, vacationing in the snow all have the potential to damage your phone.

You probably won’t need such a heavy-duty waterproof case if you’re just worried about the occasional splash. You can find smaller, water-resistant cases for accidental spills.

7. If You Don’t Like Carrying Things, Get a Wallet Case

These cases protect your cell phone and function as a wallet at the same time. Most people carry their phones everywhere, so keeping your ID, credit/debit cards, money, etc. with your phone can be convenient.

It also keeps things easy as you’re running out the door. Instead of grabbing several different things, you just need your phone.

Keep in mind, wallet cases aren’t as big as normal wallets. If you have a lot of gift cards, coins, or other things you carry in your wallet, the case probably can’t fit it all.

And the more things you put inside your wallet case, the bulkier and heavier the case gets.

8. Keep Your Phone From Overheating

Phones that are always turned on and tucked away in pockets and purses have a risk of overheating. When a phone overheats, the battery and SOC (system on chip) can become seriously damaged.

If you live in a hot location, this becomes an even bigger issue.

Some phone cases are designed to keep your phone from overheating. This could be a worthwhile purchase if you spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun.

9. Taking Your Phone to a Rough Environment? Get a Rugged Case

These are some of the toughest cases out there, and they can get your phone through pretty much anything. You can drop your phone down a flight of stairs and it won’t get a scratch.

Rugged cases are made with air pockets and reinforced corners. When you drop your phone, the case absorbs the damage.

But these cases do make the phone harder to use.

Because they’re so heavy duty, these cases can almost double the size of your phone. They also cover the screen, so the buttons and touchscreen get harder to use. The non-slip grip is good when you’re holding the phone, but it can make it uncomfortable to carry in your pocket.

These cases are good for people who plan to take their phone through some rough environments. If all your case has to do is protect from everyday drops, this case would be excessive.

10. Get a Slim Case for Easy Carrying

Slim cases may not have as much protection as bulkier options, but they do make it easier to use and carry your phone in your pocket. They will guard your phone against basic scratches and bumps.

The best part about these cases is they don’t mask the sleek look of your phone. If your phone looks nice, it’s a shame to cover it up with a thick case. Slim cases keep the natural look of your phone while giving some protection.

They work well for people who live in a safe, risk-free environment.

Find the Right Phone Case

Finding the right phone case can protect your phone from drops and scratches. This can extend the life of your phone and save you money (because you won’t have to buy new phones so often).

Looking for some other phone accessories? Check out how you can get good deals on iPhone accessories.


The post Top 10 Tips for Choosing a New Phone Case appeared first on MobileTweaks.

How To Nurture Happy and Productive Employees


Businesses rely on their employees to be productive and move business along.  Your employees need to be empowered to be successful.  Proper nurturing can help you to maintain a happy and productive workforce that operates as a team.  How exactly do you do this though?  Let’s take a look at how a millennial employee can be inspired.

Instill A Mission

Having a mission statement is part of being a business but a mission statement by itself doesn’t do anything.  Most employees don’t even learn the mission statement of their company.  There are two reasons for this.   Mission statements tend to be long and wordy, something that doesn’t lend itself to memorization.  Second, your mission statement probably isn’t lived.

Every day should be a new day to follow through on your mission statement.  This is part of why a simple mission statement is needed, so that you can show that you are working towards it every day.

Create A Team Not Employees

You should always aim to build a team and not just employees.  By creating a team you are nurturing a group that works together and knows when they need to ask for help.  They learn each other’s weaknesses and strengths.  Teams operate fluidly while employees operate like cogs, which do you want your business to be?

Nurture A Healthy Culture

Along the same lines of creating a team, you should work to nurture a healthy culture in your workplace.  Just telling your employees that your business is a great place to work won’t do anything.  You need to show them.  Offer your team competitive benefits, time off, and a fun place to work.  But most importantly, offer your team progress.  Progress and success will help you to develop a positive culture as long as you know where to give and take.

Encourage Breaks

Your breaks are something that employees are used to having to sneak in.  Most employers want their employees at their desk as much as possible.  Studies show that regular breaks can help a worker to refocus better.  Sitting at a desk all day working can also be a serious health problem, it is important to get up and walk.

Up and coming businesses are including break areas in workspaces such as pool tables, Video Games with cheat codes,  couches, kitchens, and gaming centers.  A properly motivated employee who is happy to be at work every day will monitor their own break time and be successful.

Create Customizable Workspaces

Each employee will have their own idea of what they want their workspace to be like.  Even cubicle spaces can be customized as to where the desk goes and the exact nature of the area.  Another option is to have an open office space and allow employees to move around their workspaces, some top businesses use this practice.

Reduce The Number Of Emails

Emails have become a nuisance in the workplace.  Studies show that employees get so much email every day that they start to miss, or ignore emails.  By cutting back on the number of emails that are sent out, you are ensuring that every email gets seen to maximize productivity.

Many employees also feel the need to check emails at home and by reducing email, you are cutting the chances employees will check their email at home.

Create A Feedback Network

How do you know if something is wrong if there isn’t a platform put in place for employees to give honest feedback?  You need to create a feedback network to help your employees express when there is a problem with the workplace.  This includes when there is something that may hinder productivity.  It also allows you to detect things that may be making your team members unhappy.

At the same time that you need employees to give you feedback, you need to give them feedback.  If there is a problem with someone’s performance, it won’t enhance itself.  People need constructive feedback in order to learn and grow as team members.  A simple feedback and performance program is easy to set up and can increase your productivity astronomically.

Remembering that your team members are the backbone to your business is key.  By working with your team members you can increase their productivity and happiness.  At the end of the day, by implementing at least some of these tips, you will have a stronger business.

The post How To Nurture Happy and Productive Employees appeared first on MobileTweaks.

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